Selasa, 13 Desember 2011
Where lies the heart?
Is there your heart this evening?
Is there your heart this evening?
While the sky commented,
The face of the sky which began to dull,
Dull face of the sun, cutting, tearing, criticize my soul ....
Am I tempted the devil smooth,
Or hallucination washed,
I spilled in the depths of time,
Is there your heart tonight,
I was devastated,
I lied,
I'm stranded,
Then I slapped the two cheeks,
Sick, very sick ... ..
Is there your heart tonight,
I dared to get up ....
Woke up in the sky,
No longer blue,
Built on love,
That no longer exists,
Is there your heart tonight,
Wake up hours missed,
More pain and torment,
Wake up, left everything,
Awoke pain, pain ....
Wake up for good,
To love no longer felt
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