Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

thought about you

time it rains
so swift
recalled memories of you
though sometimes painful

you're still my ex-boyfriend's best
you're still special to me
even hard for me to forget you
I'm sure, that I can ..

now, I kept walking to the front
look to the future
no longer want to think about you

forget all this grief

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

cigarette advertising From Indonesia

ads depicting three companions adventure activities are to explore the natural beauty of malignancy as well as from the western end of Indonesia to the eastern tip of the archipelago.

special to me

after all this time we are together
you left me so alone
leave me while I still love you
leave me when I needed

now I have to go through this without you
lonely without you
although painful liver
you're still special to me

if you're still here
still with me and thinking about me
I believe I say never let you down
I believe you are only one for me

goodbye my love
you're still special to me

leave me

do you understand what I mean
do you know about my feelings
Do you have feelings of love
I think 'NO'

you're so busy with your activities
You do not care about me as
I think what you are ..
I realize and I understand now

now I'll stay away from you
away from your life
I sorry
you're not the one who I knew in advance
thank you for everything
good bye to all
I'm gone and will never return

Destiny another said

if we were still together
not tears fall for you
happiness was the one who is always present in our love story
if only it happened

I'd be so happy of course
memories about the two of us, always made ​​an impression on my heart
However, destiny
another said
you disappeared somewhere

now I'm too upset to you
although, bayangmu always there for me
I realize you're not my destiny
thanks for everything ..

you're the perfection of my life

when silence has made ​​me feel alone ..
I realized that I had to find ..
looking to fill vacancies this heart
until now I discover a female

beautiful woman .. because of your concern and your gentle gaze
you are always present in my dreams
I now realize that I love you
I want to take care of you until the end of my days

you're the perfection of my life
you're the one who can make me so mad
going crazy your love and your gentle gaze
thank god, because you're the one that I arrange a meeting with me

will miss your whereabouts

rain this morning ..
I missed the sign that will whereabouts
droplets of rain this wet
like a flower bud of love, who say never dry

strong wind gusts ..
cold, lonely .. it is an expression of my heart
who wish to convey my love into your little hear

shadow seemed to be beside me all the time

Now, I will miss your whereabouts
quickly, again my dear
maybe, I can only pray from a distance
forever you are my true love

expressions for you

I lead this life tirelessly
I make you as an inspiration for me
I always wanted there for you
I want to be what you want ..

although painful, is always my face with the patient
I live all these bitter
Taste now I feel ..
that I love you my darling

now you disappeared somewhere
at the moment I really love you
now I can just be patient, and disappointed
thanks for the love of you

sorry the word from me

for some reason the heart is so sick if you remember ..
feeling that once lost, now comes back ..
I want to reveal all to you
what I feel now ..

This feeling of getting old, my inner torment
now, you come back with as you please
word from me
This feeling has been lost semnjak 1 year ago 

now, I have others ..
I can not accept anymore
say goodbye, goodbye ..
I love you, but I was disappointed by the attitude ..

only you

only you can illuminate the soul of this
only you can make me happy
only you can know what I want ..
you are so perfect for me

now, I just want you to know ..
I want you I need you

I hope it's vice versa

you are so embedded in me
I love you without a doubt in it
when I was silent,
I know what to say to you.'I Love You '

beauty in the morning

hum the song in the morning
in the early morning darkness
sounded beautiful song
wonderful if people hear it ..

now, I feel calm and peaceful
like in heaven
It sounds to soothe the soul and the heart
not even one person say 'no' if the hearing

the sun also appears to add a beautiful atmosphere
now, complete already ..
burden in this heart felt lost, some where ..
thank god today

cigarette advertising From Malaysia

Iklan Yang Amat Menyentuh Hati.... :'-(
Sayangilah Diri Sendiri...
Sayangilah Keluarga Anda....

                                                                                                                               From : Malaysia

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Where lies the heart?

Is there your heart this evening?

Is there your heart this evening?
While the sky commented,
The face of the sky which began to dull,
Dull face of the sun, cutting, tearing, criticize my soul ....
Am I tempted the devil smooth,
Or hallucination washed,
I spilled in the depths of time,

Is there your heart tonight,
I was devastated,
I lied,
I'm stranded,
Then I slapped the two cheeks,
Sick, very sick ... ..

Is there your heart tonight,
I dared to get up ....
Woke up in the sky,
No longer blue,
Built on love,
That no longer exists,

Is there your heart tonight,
Wake up hours missed,
More pain and torment,
Wake up, left everything,
Awoke pain, pain ....
Wake up for good,
To love no longer felt

Sabtu, 26 November 2011


friend is my inspiration
I needed something a friend
friend is someone who understands will be all about me
life without friends feel there is less

sometimes you make me upset
and also sometimes you make me happy
even so, I consider you like a brother like

you are always supported me
dang you're always there when I need
we are always together
you are my best friend

By:Yunarto Wibisono  

Senin, 07 November 2011

Theories on Advertising

Advertising has numerous objectives which includes communicating with potential customers as well as pursuading them to adopt a particular product or develop a preference towards the product for repeat purchase which ultimately results in brand loyalty. Advertising Theory or theories therefore try to explain how and why advertising is effective in influencing behaviors and accomplishing its objectives.

There are numerous theories on advertising. Most theories of advertising generally propose that the effectiveness of advertising is dependent on the main practices being carried out including more exposure towards the brand or repetitive advertising. In other words, most theories sugest that if you want a consumer to like a product or a brand continously then simply expost the consumer to a product or brands advertising such that there are certain feelings and expectations attached towards the rand itself. Advertising theories also make use of content specification, Specific message and media characteristics, consumer characteristics, product/service characteristics, and competitive actions.

As it is often said that ‘half of all advertising doesn’t work,’ aiming to understand and apply the many general and specific principles forming advertising theory may potentially do much to increase the likelihood that any particular advertising campaign or advertising strategy will be effective and accomplish its intended objectives. Marketers must therefore seek to understand the factors that influence advertising’s effectiveness and ineffectiveness relative to intended objectives and particular contexts to be able to judiciously apply such knowledge. Even experi-enced firms can make advertising missteps, such as allowing the firm’s ad agency to create an advertisement that is memorable and consistent with some elements of advertising theory (e.g. persuading with emotion for a low-involvement purchase) but not fully realizing until after it has aired that the ad runs counter to other principles associated with advertising theory (e.g. emphasizing those emotions that are desired to be positively associated with the brand).

The Language of Advertising

By: Peter Sells and Sierra Gonzales

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Sifat-sifat iklan

Sifat Iklan dalam konteks komunikasi

1) Informasi dan Persuasi
Kata-kata seperti Informasi dan persuasi nampaknya sederhana. Namun, dari dua kata itulah terdapat ciri proses komunkasi. Informasi artinga memberi tahu apa yang dimaksudkan oleh pemberitahu / komunikator yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh “iklan” untuk menunjukan adanya garis hubungan antara seseorang yang ingin menjual produknya kepada seseorang yang lain yang membutuhkan produk itu. Kunci periklanan justru terdapat pada kecanggihan merumuskan informasi itu ( Bagaimana memasarkan, dan siapa saja yang membutuhkan ).
Persuasi, dalam proses komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan karena aktivitas perpindahan informasi harus mengandung daya tarik dan menggugah suatu perasaan tertentu.

2) Pengontrol informasi
Karena informasi mengenai suatu produk tertentu disebarluaskan melalu media massa dan bersifat terbuka, maka sebelum dimasukan ke media informasi harus menempuh tahapan tertentu. Bisa meliputi isi, penggunaan waktu, ruang, dan tujuan khalayak sasaran.
3) Media Komunikasi Massa
Perbedaan iklan dngan teknik komunikasi pemasaran yang lain adalah dalam hal komunikasi nonpersonal. Maksudnya adalah dalam komunikasi iklan terdapat alur komunikasi antara si pemasang iklan / sponsor dengan orang pembuat jasa iklan.

Sumber : http://fikom-unpi.blogspot.com/2009/02/sifat-sifat-periklanan.html

Periklanan mempunyai sifat-sifat :
1. Public Presentation, yaitu iklan memungkinkan setiap orang menerima pesanan yang sama tentang produk yang di-iklan-kan.
2. Pervasiveness, yaitu pesan iklan yang sama dapat diulang-ulang untuk menetapkan penerimaan informasi.
3. Amplified Expresiveness, yaitu iklan mampu mendramatisasi perusahaan dan produknya melalui gambar dan suara untuk menggoyangkan audience.
4. Impersonality, yaitu bersifat memaksa audience untuk memperhatikan dan menanggapinya, karena merupakan komunikasi yang menolong.

Mittal 1999 menyebutkan lima sifat iklan yang berhubungan dengan ketidakberwujudan dari iklan.
Sifat-sifat itu antara lain :
a. Abstrak (abstractness)
Meskipun dalam beberapa kasus, iklan dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk spanduk, baliho atau media periklanan lainnya yang berwujud secara fisik namun pada dasarnya hakikat iklan itu tidak berwujud atau abstrak. hal ini dikarenakan esensi iklan itu adalah pesan atau berita yang dibuat perusahaan yang tentu saja sifat pesan adalah abstrak.
b. Penyajian publik
Iklan bersifat general, umum dan lazim karena tujuan iklan adalah untuk dikomsumsi oleh masyarakat secara umum dan bersifat standar.
c. Kemampuan meresap
Iklan yang baik adalah iklan yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk meresap dan dimaknai sesuai dengan keinginan pemasang iklan.

d. Ekspresi yang diperkuat
Iklan yang baik harus mempunyai kemampuan untuk memperkuat ekspresi produk atau jasa dan bahkan citra perusahaan yang diiklankan melalui sarana warna, bentuk, animasi, suara dan pemilihan kata yang tepat.
e. Tidak mengenai orang tertentu
Iklan yang baik tidak menggambarkan atau ditujukan kepada seseorang secara subjektif melainkan bersifat umum

Dan Menurut Kotler (2005) sifat-sifat iklan antara lain

a. Presentasi umum, yaitu iklan memberikan legitimasi kepada produk dan menyiratkan tawaran yang terstandarisasi.
b . Daya sebar yang tinggi, yaitu iklan memungkinkan penjual mengulangi pesan berkali-kali dan memungkinkan pembeli menerima dan membandingkan pesan dari berbagai pesaing.
c. Daya ekspresi yang besar, yaitu iklan memberikan peluang untuk mendramatisir perusahaan dan produknya melalui penggunaan cetakan, suara, dan warna yang berseni.
d. Impersonalitas, yaitu pendengar tidak merasa wajib memperhatikan atau menanggapi iklan.
Sumber :

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

forget you

I'm going to go away from you
Everything I did this
For Forgetting you

because you have let me down

This grief, this fragile soul
when you choose another love
You will never know, about my feelings this

where your heart will be  

now you come back when I fell
I hope you understand
Good-bye, I'm sorry

to me you've gone


Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

16 Tips to Simplify Your Life (and Increase Your Productivity)

16 Tips to Simplify Your Life (and Increase Your Productivity)By: Tom.Basson1.Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important work.

2. Don’t check your email first thing in the morning. (This one in particular has been life-changing for me!)

3. Start your day with exercise. (or even better, learn how to surf – no better way to start the day!)

4. Be obedient to the sabbath! (That means learning how to really rest and refuel – taking one full day a week as a complete recovery day.)

5. Learn to say no.

6. Plan your week ahead. (I spend 10 minutes every Sunday evening looking at my diary for the upcoming week and planning spaces for work, rest, exercise, relational meetings etc. It helps me to stay focused on that which is important and gives me permission to say no to that which isn’t.)

7. Don’t answer your phone every time it rings.

8. Get up early.

9. Go to bed early.

10. Eat a big healthy breakfast.

11. Clean out your closets. Get rid of things you never wear or don’t use anymore.

12. Stop watching TV. Or at least cutback to no more than 1hr per day. (Jess and I haven’t had a TV for the nearly 6 years we’ve been married. When you don’t have it, you simply don’t miss it.)

13. Make sure you plan a decent holiday break once a year. (I find it should be at least 10 days for it to become truly regenerative.)

14. Learn to protect your time. The data says workers are interrupted every 11 minutes. Distractions destroy productivity and complicate your life.

15. Do your banking online.

16. Use Evernote. Seriously, it’s an amazing piece of software.
In the end, it’s about priority. About deciding what really matters and, as Stephen Covey says, “putting first things first”! And so, as you simplify your life, may it increase your productivity and grant you a greater sense of purpose, and may it bring you great freedom and peace.

                                                                                                                                          By: Tom.Basson

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

iklan televisi

Sumbernya dari Sini
Contoh sebuah iklan produk komersial di televisi yaitu sebuah produk kartu perdana IM3 khusus SMS (SCTV, 21:06, 07/04/07) di dalam iklan ini digambarkan terjadi komunikasi dalam SMS yang menggunakan bahasa gaul.
A : “Lags ap? lagi apa”
B : “Maksi? makan siang”
A : “Samsi? sama siapa”
B : “emtz, eee…mau tau aza”
A : “Edi Sud Rahmat Kartolo, maksud loe”
IM3 SMS “SMS banget”
Pembentukan kata bahasa gaul dalam iklan di atas adalah sebagai berikut :
- lags ap
Said 'lags ap' is an acronym of the word again what(is doing what)
- maksi
The word 'maxi' is an acronym of the word lunch
- samsi
The word 'Samsi' is an acronym of the same word whom.

My Comments : so, in my opinion the prime card product advertising im3 advertisers trying to attract consumers' attention by using a short language or 'SMS'. which may change the spelling (phonemes) than they should.
example : want to know 'aza'
phonemes /j/ changed to /z/ .
                                                                                                                                 Oleh Ade Azwida

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Iklan Televisi

Iklan produk sabun Citra.
Visual iklan menampilkan seorang
gadis Jawa mandi dengan setting sebuah desa alami dan sejuk. Di sini kesan tradisional
terasa kental .Setelah beberapa kali muncul di televisi dan dievaluasi ternyata persepsi
image yang diharapkan melenceng. Segmentasi pasar yang diharapkan adalah kelas
menengah ke atas, tetapi justru yang banyak membeli sabun Citra kelas menengah bawah
utamanya wanita pedesaan. Akhirnya visual iklan harus diubah. Setting visual tak lagi
mandi di desa, tapi memakai bak mandi yang serba “wah”.
Kemenarikan dan mahalnya suatu iklan tidak bisa dijadikan ukuran keberhasilan
suatu iklan.

MyComment :  The conclusion here communicant perception of advertising was more decisive and in advertisements are changed according to the product in the market place, so that an ad they managed to attract others to buy it.

                                                                                                                 Oleh :(Deddi Duto Hartanto)

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Positive Thinking Your Key to Success by Remez Sasson

Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It also helps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly, and makes life look bright and promising.
Positive thinking is contagious. People around you pick your mental moods and are affected accordingly. Think about happiness, good health and success, and you will cause people to like you and desire to help you, because they enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.
In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, but also take any necessary actions to ensure your success.
Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack of belief enter your mind. Some effort and inner work are necessary.
Are you willing to make a real inner change?
Are you willing to change the way you think?
Are you willing to develop a mental power that can positively affect you, your environment and the people around you?

the deepest love

I knew it was weighed
express feelings that i feel now
but I have to do
because this is the best

initially undecided with what I feel now
when looking at your face I'm not able to
deepest love to you
that's you I'll

about the deepest love I feel now
makes me afraid to lose you
for me you're the most beautiful gift.   


About me


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